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Formed In God's Image
Formed In God's Image
by Norman J Goreham (1931-2021)
This hymn reflects part of the wording in the Great Prayer of Thanksgiving in the eucharistic liturgy, used in varying forms throughout the ages and across the world. In modern liturgies Thomas Cranmer's "our bounden duty" becomes "our joy and our salvation".
by SPCK - N T Wright
PREFACE For some years I tried to write two books side by side: one about Paul and his theology, the other about Jesus within his historical context. It gradually dawned on me that the two belonged together more closely than I had realized. Both were concerned with the historical
The Second Intercessions Handbook - (39) REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY
The Second Intercessions Handbook - (39) REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY
by SPCK - John Pritchard
Interestingly, the annual act of remembrance seems to be gaining in impact in recent years. Perhaps it’s because those who have direct memories are becoming fewer in number and we realize what we’re in danger of losing the connection...
The Monastery Of The Heart - 12 Nourishment
The Monastery Of The Heart - 12 Nourishment
by SPCK - Joan Chittister
Nourishment “Nothing is so inconsistent with the life of the monastic as overindulgence.” The seeker’s ideal is to be “in the world but not of it”- to be like everyone else but different where it counts. For those who seek to define this other quality of life by membership in a M
Letters to London - 13 “Your faith today is a beginning, not a conclusion”-don’t shout about faith, just live it!
Letters to London - 13 “Your faith today is a beginning, not a conclusion”-don’t shout about faith, just live it!
by SPCK - Stephen J.Plant and Toni Burrowes-Cromwell
13 “Your faith today is a beginning, not a conclusion”-don’t shout about faith, just live it! Ernst’s confirmation in the Lutheran Church provided the original context for these letters and there are interesting questions about this important religious rite…
The Monastery Of The Heart - 19 Conversion of Heart
The Monastery Of The Heart - 19 Conversion of Heart
by SPCK - Joan Chittister
Conversion of Heart “It is high time for us to arise from sleep.” Every life is one long list of defining moments: At one moment, we discover that what we have done with our lives to this point is not really what we are meant to do… Taken from The Monastery Of The Heart by Joan C
Great Christian Thinkers - 25 St. Augustine of Hippo